Sunday, December 30, 2007

sunday hunt

well i had decided not to hunt this morning and go to church but someone(ssphone) called me late last night and changed my mind. so i played hooky and for some reason God still gave me a beautiful wood duck double. the drake is the biggest a prettiest woodie that i have ever shot. guess where he is going.


eric said...

For 60 days in the fall here in MN, the marsh is my church. IMO, watching the sun rise over a bog that's gradually coming to life gives a person a much greater understnding of God than any minister ever could!

Don't feel too bad about playing hooky. Thanks for another great post!

Richard Pearson said...

Damn, who killed "Big Bird"!

oldfatslow said...

Nice woodrow. Congrats.
I've never gotten a nicely
plumed one that wasn't shot
to pieces too.


oldfatslow said...
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