Monday, January 10, 2011

seafood special

this past weekend i went up to the panhandle to stay and hunt with my friend barry. he has been shooting redheads and buffleheads all season long and i have never shot either. he invited me up for a couple days to hunt. i havent shot many ducks this season and that curse seemed to follow me to north florida. the large number of ducks he had been shooting disappeared the day i showed up. despite only shooting a few ducks i had a great time. i was able to check two ducks off of my bucket list, a beautiful full plumed drake bufflehead and a common merganser. i also shot a nice drake scaup, saw barry shoot a full plumed redhead that decoyed perfectly, hunt in the salt for the first time, harvest fresh oysters while hunting then grill and eat them that same night, eat delicious meals cooked by barrys wife jesse and best of all spend a lot of time with a good friend that i hadnt seen in a few years. big thanks to barry and jesse for putting me up for the weekend and feeding me so well!

1 comment:

Barry Bevis said...

Man, your photos are amazing. I'm pulling together some from last season and yours are so much better than anything we took!