so there was a little bit of confusion on the site as to what a teal is, so i decided to post a few pics. a teal is a small duck. i believe im correct in stating that the green wing teal is the smallest of all the ducks. there are a few different types of teal. in florida we really only see two kinds of teal, green wing and blue wing. the teal are the first two pictures i posted. the third is a wood duck. all three taste great. on september 23rd early teal and wood duck season opens and i can hardly wait. im having trouble with my boat right now but hopefully i will have it fixed by then. if not i will be crying myself to sleep at night and there will much complaining on the blog, so pray that I get it fixed so that you don’t have to listen to that.
I had no idea that they were so fierce, the fangs, the claws, the lethal poison and their tendency to attack at a moments notice; truly this is a worthy advisory.
again, just jealous you are not here to go shooting with us. why dont you go find some beavers to pick on up in ol chickamauga.
I just watched the Grizzly Man, No more hunting for me....how can you kill something so beautiful...........how do you sleep at night
didn't know ducks could be so pretty! great colors... wish i was that colorful!
good luck on today
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